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What are Twin Flames? 


''A dance of one soul in two bodies''


written by the one and only: Hannes Häusler





'There was a time when we were all one and actually it has never changed, but our perception has. A lot of belief systems created illusory spaces and borders between people that can only be crossed by the true self. There are stories that have been handed down over thousands of generations and they still sparkle and inspire the minds of people today, yet most of it is believed fictitious from a modern world viewpoint. Most of these fairy tales tell the tale of love. They talk about the unity of woman and man, they tell the story of how man and woman take the courage to do anything to save their love and find a space where it can grow.

Twin flames are basically one soul in two bodies. It is the wonder, that the Divine has created, for they are one in two. Separated, but always united. Twin Flames were created at the same time that the universe has been. The energy that is set free when they meet is the same energy that created the universe. Earth is a planet of polarity, here both forces meet, good and evil, light and darkness, moon and sun, yin and yang, man and woman. Few planets in the universe are as fertile as Earth, for it is harbor of the strongest energy in the universe: love.


Almost half of the Earth's population are Twin Flame Souls. They have decided to come to Earth to help in facilitating the energy shift that is ahead of us now. The heavenly forces have conspired upon their meeting, in order to bring back heaven on Earth, to bring peace between the forces, between feminine and masculine.

Once upon a time, the Divine decided to experience itself in even more various realities. So it was then decided to split from this perfect unity, only to again create a unity that is even greater than the one before. From 1 came 2, and from 2 came 4, and from 4 came 8. As the universe is constantly growing, so are we alongside with the Divine. That is also a rule in physics. The universe is continiously expanding itself. 


















Your Twin Flame is your perfect mirror, there is no one, who knows you like they do. When twin flames meet they know deep within themselves that this is their other half, there is no one else like them. The twins meet not only in 3D-reality but way beyond. The meeting occurs on the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional levels. The last one, the emotional plane, is probably the hardest to embrace for it holds all the programs, filters, conditioning and limitations of the mind that you have been taught since you entered this current lifetime.


Your Twin Flame will get out of you all the belief systems that need to be reset, reloaded, recognized or simply deleted. As your biggest mirror, your twin flame will most often have the same issues that you do. Together you can grow on every level. Everything will suddenly accelerate. All the abilities that you had before will become even more powerful, and constantly new abilities will spring up from out of nowhere. The Twin Flame relationship is the most intense relationship of all. In fact, all previous relationships only prepared you for finally meeting your twin. Most often the twins have had many past lifetimes together and issues that were not solved back then will resurface and demand a clearance. This kind of opportunity only comes once in a lifetime, this kind of security you can only get once in a lifetime.

But the intensity of the relationship can often be terrifying for some, and it happens quite often that twin flames do not stay together. There is always one of the couple who is the runner, while the other half is the chaser. This is the heavenly game of yin and yang, the rule of pulling and pushing. Only when they meet in the middle, they can establish common ground, where the third element of unconditional love will spring up and start to grow infinitely. For this love to grow the twins need to make space. All belief systems that limit their love in any way need to be addressed and dealt with. Love can heal everything and if the twins begin to realize this, there will be no border that they cannot cross, no stone that they cannot turn, and no obstacle that they cannot overcome. It is a journey through your worst fears and replacing them with love, as fear is the only thing that can limit love. Let go of your old beliefs about love, about sex, about drugs, about society, for the twin flame union will suddenly turn everything upside-down.'

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