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Mudra, bandha, kriya


mud = delight, joy, pleasure
dra = to move towards something

Mudra is an ancient technique that was used even before asanas. It is a practice that provides delight and joy. Mudras can be described as gestures or attitudes, intended to link the individual energy system with the universal pranic force. The word can also be translated as seal, short-cut, or bypass. They can alter mood, attitude and perception, balance the energy system, deepen awareness and concentration, and help to heal the physical body. A mudra may be only a simple hand position or involve the whole body as well. Also, it can can be greatly combined with other yogic practices like asana, pranayama and meditation.



bandha = hold, thighten, lock

Bandhas are neuromuscular locks that are intented to arrest the flow of prana in the body and redirect it. The main aim is to lock the energy in particular areas and redirect it into the Sushumna nadi, in order to assist spiritual awakening. Traditionally they were classified as part of mudras, but their locking action has made them a very important practice on their own. The main bandhas: Jalandhara bandha (throat lock), Jivhá bandha (tongue lock), Uddiyana bandha (abdominal lock), Moola bandha (root lock), Maha bandha (the great lock).

Both Hatha yoga and Ayurveda believe that we need a pure, toxin-free body and a balanced mind in order to successfully walk on the sacred path of yoga and spirituality. Kriyas are yogic cleansing methods that are used to cleanse our bodies and minds, to balance our doshas and gunas, and to prepare us for higher practices such as pranayama, asana and meditation. The six practices (Shatkriyas): Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Kapalbhati, Basti, Trataka. Some of these can be taught through online lessons and they are an essential practice to learn for a devoted yogi/ni.

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