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”Sthiram sukham aasanam” = Steady and comfortable posture

(Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Chapter2, verse 46)


The term of asana can be translated as ’posture’, ’pose’ or ’seat’. It is the third limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path. In Raja yoga it traditionally meant a seated posture for meditation but in Hatha yoga it is something more: specific body positions with particular benefits that can open the energy channels and psychic centres.


Nowadays the term is commonly used for any physical postures of yoga practice.


It does not necessarily mean performing difficult, fancy and advanced poses. Asana can be practiced at any levels of experience (beginner, intermediate or advanced) as they can be easily adjusted to suit individual needs. Yoga is not a race. It is a journey to yourself.


In our fast paced world we sometimes need to slow down and restore the connection between body, mind and breath. Asana is just the perfect way to do so. Different postures have different benefits on physical, spiritual, and energetic levels.

Only a few to mention: stress relief, improved health, emotional stabilty, increased strength and flexibility, improved balance and stamina, increased concentration, reduced anxiety and depression, mindfulness.


Practicing asana is considered to be very important as it keeps the physical body healthy and ready for other yogic practices such as meditation. By developing control over the body we can also tame the mind and that is essential for spiritual development and progress.

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