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prana = vital energy, life force

yama = control

ayama = extension


The extension of the dimension of our prana by controlling our breathing.


The fourth limb of yoga according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. Yogic breathing exercises that are considered to be an important step on the path to enlightenment.


In modern yoga it means synchronising the breath with movements (asanas) and also a distinct breathing exercise on its own.


Depending on which technique we use, attention may be on the speed and number of breaths taken, the timing of inhalation and exhalation (the number of counts in each inflow and outflow) or on the holding of the breath (kumbhaka).


Each technique has its own purpose and varios benefits on our physical, mental and energetic bodies. Prana travels through our nadis (energy channels). Through pranayama techniques a person can redirect this prana for it to reach the top of the spine through the central channel (Sushumna). It is said that when it enters into the 3rd eye chakra, one becomes enlightened.

A few techniques to mention:

abdominal breathing, thoracic breathing, clavicular breathing, full yogic breath, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati (also a yogic cleansing technique), Surya/Chandra Bhedana, Nadi Shodhana, Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayama, Brahmari pranayama, Ujjayi breathing.

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